Eastside Estate Planning

Last Will and Testament Lawyers

A Last Will & Testament, commonly called a Will, takes effect upon death. Most people think of a Will as the way you decide where your stuff goes when you die. Determining where your assets go upon death, such as money, real estate, personal items, stocks, and business interests, is just one of the many uses for last will and testament services. Other uses include designating guardians for minor children, creating trusts for children and others, appointing the person who will handle your affairs when you pass away, and saving on estate taxes.

Secure the Future with a Last Will Attorney in Redmond WA:

A Last Will and Testament is a legal document that allows an individual to specify how they wish their estate to be handled after their death. The estate planning testament document typically names an executor to oversee the distribution of assets and payment of debts and can specify how the individual wishes their property and possessions to be divided. It can also include instructions on burial or cremation, as well as instructions for guardianship of minor children
Last Will and Testament

Our Will Package

Our will package includes the creation of trusts inside the will, if necessary, such as trusts for minor children or credit shelter trusts to save on estate taxes. Our will package also includes the following incapacity planning documents

Health Care Power of Attorney

A Health Care Power of Attorney gives another person the power to make health care decisions for you if you can’t. In the Power of Attorney, you appoint a health care agent and outline the types of decisions the agent is authorized to make. If you don’t have a Living Will, your healthcare agent can make end-of-life decisions for you. If you do have a Living Will, you won’t need an agent to make end-of-life decisions, but you may want a friend or family member whom you trust to authorize other important medical treatments.

Health Care Directive or Living Will

A Health Care Directive or Living Will states your wishes if you are unable to communicate with your doctor. This is most often used to address the unlikely situation that you are on life support with no reasonable chance of recovery. A health care directive would allow your doctor to let you die in peace without artificially prolonging your life, at great emotional and financial cost to your family.

Financial Power of Attorney

A Financial Power of Attorney gives another person, the power to make financial decisions for you if you can’t. This could mean doing simple things like paying bills and withdrawing money or more involved tasks like selling real estate and managing a business. When you create a power of attorney, you choose what decisions your financial agent is authorized to make.

Power of Attorney

A Power of Attorney is a document that gives a person legal authority to make decisions for you when you are alive but unable to make decisions for yourself. The two most common areas where powers of attorney are often needed are for medical and financial decisions.

How We Work

Adapting to your every need through patience and uncommon communication
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We offer a complimentary consultation to find you the most appropriate services and see if we are a good fit.

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We send you an Estate Planning Questionnaire and design a plan while communicating with you every step of the way.

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Take Action

We create all the agreed upon documents and complete the process.

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Redmond Office

8201 164th Ave NE Ste 200
Redmond, WA 98052

We Treat Clients like Family

Since 2014 Robert’s approach as a client-centered attorney has earned him hundreds of 5 star reviews and thousands of happy clients.


Yes. Probate is the court process for settling a person’s estate through a last will and testament. Your assets (real estate, bank accounts, stocks, etc.) will get distributed either by your last will and testament if you have one, or to your heirs according to the default state formula.

It depends on your situation, but in many cases, a will is enough for most people. Revocable trusts are useful because they can avoid probate and protect privacy.

A will can designate a guardian for minor kids and protect your money so they will be provided for later in life.

Even if you have a revocable living trust, you still want a backup or pour-over will in case you need to go to probate. In that case, the backup will can leave everything to your trust.

The executor is the person who is in charge of administering your estate when you pass away. That means paying your debts and distributing your assets to your beneficiaries.

Yes, a will can potentially help you save on estate and capital gains taxes.